“One of the ways I want to give back is to pour back into the University that raised me,” Smith said. “As a first-generation college student, I know all too well the power of mentorship.”

Smith said when he first attended JCSU, he had no idea of what he wanted to do post-graduation. Through mentorship and hard work, he was able to find his path and hopes his influence will help others to do the same. “One of the ways I want to give back is to pour back into the University that raised me,” Smith said. “As a first-generation college student, I know all too well the power of mentorship.”
Smith said serving as Mister JCSU 2016-17 taught him to be a leader, a skill set he uses in his current role as a premier field engineer with the company.
The virtual seminars consist of one-on-one mock interviews, resume reviews, and panel discussions. Davis says they’ve been able to help 30 students total and ten of them have received callbacks for interviews with Microsoft.
“I’m grateful to be able to give back to JCSU,” Smith added.
Davis and Smith plan to continue their efforts as long as Microsoft recruits from the University. They hope their efforts help increase